Sizzling Safety Tips
As temperatures rise during summertime, it’s essential to keep in mind that pets are vulnerable to heat stroke and dehydration. Here are some hot weather safety tips to keep your companion animals safe during hot weather:
-Take your pets for a walk in the early morning or evening to avoid the heat. Keep in mind that gravel and concrete can easily burn their paws.
-Short-muzzle breeds (brachycephalic), older dogs, and overweight dogs are more susceptible to heat stroke.
-If you plan to be outside or on a road trip, make sure to bring plenty of water, a collapsible bowl, and a cooling mat for them to lay on during breaks in the shade.
-NO ice baths and watch out for hot hose water. If you have a backyard, consider setting up a kiddie pool or sprinkler for your pets to play in and keep cool.
-Dogs with light-colored/short fur are more susceptible to sunburn. Keep their time in the sun shorter and talk to your vet about pet-safe sunscreen.
-Never leave your pet inside a parked car, even with the windows open and in the shade. The temperature inside can rise rapidly and become fatal in minutes.
Signs of heatstroke: excessive panting, long spoon-like tongue, red gums, inability to stand, and or unconsciousness. If heatstroke happens, bring the animal into air conditioning immediately and saturate it with cool water (not cold) and find a fan to blow air on. Bring your pet to your vet right away for any heat-related emergency!
Remember, pets can’t tell us when they’re feeling hot or dehydrated, so it’s up to us to be vigilant for signs and keep them safe and healthy during hot weather.
To help cool off our furry friends, Team Fred SPCA likes to prepare pupsicles. These are easy to make by using frozen broth (without onion or garlic) and adding extra treats inside! Use old tupperware, takeout containers, or icecream buckets to create a long-lasting frozen treat!