Not-So-Professional Pet Portraits is BACK! This time for a fun twist on Giving Tuesday! Make your donation on our Facebook or our Giving Tuesday donation page and follow the instructions, and one of our staff, volunteers, or maybe even one of our animals, will draw your pet’s portrait! Here’s the catch – we are not artists, we are just a group of animal lovers, standing in front of our community, asking for a few bucks to take some artistic liberties with the 2180 photos you have on your phone of your pet!
The instructions are simple and must be followed to ensure you get your portrait!
1.) Make a donation (any amount) and submit your pet photo to us digitally. For those who make a gift via Facebook, you can send us a DM or put your photo in the comment section. For those who donate via our Giving Tuesday website page, you will receive instructions on where to email your digital photo. Donors who make a contribution of $100 or more will receive the original artwork framed in the mail – it’s a perfect holiday gift!
2.) We will verify your donation and send your photo to our newly appointed Not-So-Professional artists! Once they have finished their masterpiece, we will comment or email back with the result! Please note that we cannot accommodate requests for specific artists – part of the fun is seeing what you get! Framed originals for $100+ donors will be mailed out at the beginning of December.
3.) Feel free to share your results far and wide! You can tag us on all platforms @fredspca
The holidays are fast approaching, and this makes a GREAT gift to bring a smile to someone’s face, as well as giving a little back to our community’s homeless animals and beloved pets! Submissions close November 30th at 5 pm so don’t wait to get your masterpiece!