Día de Los Muertos
Each year Day of the Dead or Día de Los Muertos, is celebrated by millions of people. On November 1st and 2nd, families celebrate those who have passed and make sure their altar is ready for their loved ones to visit in the spiritual world. Each altar typically consists of Pan de Muerto (Dead Man’s bread), marigolds, sugar skulls, candles, food & drinks, and other favorite items of their loved ones who have passed away. Our Deputy Director, Allie Names, is a proud Mexican-American and has fond memories of creating her altar with her family. Allie has continued this tradition and would like to share this day with our community! She will be designing a FredSPCA Day of the Dead altar to celebrate the lives of the animals who have passed and left paw prints on our hearts. In creating the altar to celebrate those who shared in our journey, she would like to help raise money for homeless animals who are still on theirs.
If you are interested in participating, please make a $20 gift in memory of your beloved and email [email protected] a picture of the animal you would like to celebrate on our altar. Please note, October 29th will be the last day to get your photos in for us to print. Feel free to come by and see our Día de Los Muertos altar in our lobby on November 1st & 2nd between 12 pm-6 pm. We welcome those who prefer to bring an in-person donation on those days and place a photo or item on the altar. Allie will be adding treats and toys to the altar for your pets to enjoy in the spirit world.